Coquillettes with truffles and ham



Preparation 25 minutes

Cooking time 15 minutes


Step 1

Cook the pasta as indicated on the packet in the chicken stock, reducing the cooking time by 2 min. Drain and retain a little of the cooking liquid. Keep the pasta warm.

Step 2

Heat the cream and add the grated cheese and truffles, season with salt and pepper. Pour the pasta into the saucepan with a little of the cooking water and cook for 2 minutes.

Step 3

Serve the pasta, topping each plate with a little ham.


If you have a little foie gras, slip a few cubes into the hot pasta.

♥To be enjoyed with Palmer & Co Blanc de Noirs.


  • 500 g of coquillettes
  • 1 tin of truffle chips
  • 8 slices of paper-thin ham
  • 75 g of grated comté cheese
  • 50 g of butter
  • 1 l of chicken stock
  • 100 ml of whipped cream
  • Salt
  • Pepper

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